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We dream of a church:

  • Where people are becoming mature disciples (followers) of Jesus .
  • Where believers are growing as disciples through powerful preaching and Bible teaching,  but also through mutual example, encouragement, and exhortation (challenge).
  • In which believers meet together in small groups for discipleship, Bible study, prayer, fellowship, encouragement, and witness.
  • Committed to the truth of the Bible and seeking to live by its teaching
  • Which reaches out to the community of Strood with the life-changing message of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and regularly sees many people come to faith. This outreach is through the vital personal witness of church members and a variety of relevant servant ministries.  Believers are confident to share their faith with family, friends, neighbours and colleagues in an intentional way.
  • Where people in need can find salvation, healing , forgiveness, love and practical help.
  • Which equips believers to live as Christians in their daily lives (work, home, school etc.) 
  • Filled with the Holy Spirit.  People discover their spiritual gifts and are empowered and equipped to use them to build the Kingdom of God . 
  • Which is committed to loving each other in a caring, vibrant community.  People share hospitality and share their lives.  The church community is an authentic reflection of the wider Strood Community in age profile and social background.
  • In which there is a sense of the awe and wonder of God when believers gather together.  Prayer, praise, and preaching  is passionate, and involves and engages all present.  Preaching is  biblical,  life–related and accessible. Believers share testimony (stories)  of what God has been doing in their lives.  Spiritual gifts are encouraged, and personal prayer is offered to those who need it.  Music is contemporary and technology is used effectively to aid worship and communication.   
  • Which is committed to, and undergirded by, prayer. Many believers are in prayer partnerships.
  • Which has a world mission perspective. Church members support world mission financially and practically.  Mission teams from the church regularly visit our overseas mission partners.  
  • Which is open to the Holy Spirit’s leading to plant new churches and new expressions of church.
  • Which is a vibrant part of the wider body of Christ in Strood and Medway


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